Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Connections to SQL Server

I have been developing an Intranet for the past few months, and now that I
have developed about 4 apps, I am questioning my connection string. We have
a Windows 2000 Server with SQL Server 2000 and are using Integrated Auth. so
that people don't have to login to the sql server.
Here is my current connection string,
MM_CliCore_STRING = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Data
Source=swvtc06;Initial Catalog=CliCore;"
As you can see I am using Trusted Connection, which is the only way that I
could get this connection to work. If I remove the trusted connection info,
it doesn't work at all.
How should I go about setting this up? Why is using trusted connection such
a bad idea? It seems to work, if someone doesn't have permission, it
doesn't let them into the db. And, what are the other ways of doing this?
Drew LaingHi Drew,
Your connection should read as follows:
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Securit
I use this string in a delphi ado connection component to set up
trusted connection to my database server.
Ruud Aalders
Drew wrote:
> *I have been developing an Intranet for the past few months, and no
> that I
> have developed about 4 apps, I am questioning my connection string.
> We have
> a Windows 2000 Server with SQL Server 2000 and are using Integrate
> Auth. so
> that people don't have to login to the sql server.
> Here is my current connection string,
> MM_CliCore_STRING = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Data
> Source=swvtc06;Initial Catalog=CliCore;"
> As you can see I am using Trusted Connection, which is the only wa
> that I
> could get this connection to work. If I remove the truste
> connection info,
> it doesn't work at all.
> How should I go about setting this up? Why is using truste
> connection such
> a bad idea? It seems to work, if someone doesn't have permission
> it
> doesn't let them into the db. And, what are the other ways of doin
> this?
> Thanks,
> Drew Laing
Ruud Aalder
Posted via http://www.webservertalk.co
View this thread: http://www.webservertalk.com/message462636.htm

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