Hello all,
I tried several connectionstrings in web.config file shown below and got this error "Application Error" (ErrorPage.htm).
<add name="ClubSiteDB" connectionString="Data Source=myClubs;Initial Catalog=Clubs;User Id=xxxx;Password=xxxx;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
<add name="ClubSiteDB" connectionString="Driver={SQL Server};Server=localhost;Database=clubs;Uid=xxxx;Pwd=xxxx;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
I created SQL Server 2000 database called clubs and ODBC DSN called myClubs at web hosting. It worked at local machine with no problem, but transfer from local machine to web hosting is something I'm not familiar with. Please advice. Thanks.
check out www.connectionstrings.com|||
U have to specify the server name rather than 'localhost', if u r using trusted connection then it should be:
If not then specify the Userid and password:
Hope this will help
The server name would be the url connected to the database. Or just the name like .\SQLEXPRESS? I use your method and it didn't work like it should.
Are u using SQL Express? If yes, then check this URL:
Hope this will help.
|||I finally figured it out. I had the server name wrong and now it is corrected. Thanks for all of your help. Have a nice day.
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