Thursday, March 22, 2012

ConnectionString without Password


I am working at a ASP.NET Project with has a sign-in area. All users (the aspnet_Membership and so on) are on an external SQL Server stored.

The ConnectionString in the web.config looks like this:

<add name="hspWerbung" connectionString="Persist Security Info=False;User ID=XXXXX;Password=XXXXX;Initial Catalog=HSPWERBUNG01;Data Source=SERVER_SQL_02\STOCKHOLM"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /
Is there any way to create a ConnectionString without the User ID and without the password?

When i want to reach my site on the web (not with http://localhost/...) , i can't do it with "Integrated Security=True", because there will be no user, or?

hi, some where we have to store the user name and pwd. the alternative apoach is to encript them and store in the xml file using hash algorthim. when ever you are trying to connect to the DB get the string and decript it and store in the cache or session.


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