What is the impact of the differences in the following 2 connection strings:
Initial Catalog=xxx;Data Source=xxxxxx;Trusted_Connection=True;
Driver={SQL Server};Server=xxxxx;database=xxx;Trusted_Connection=yes;
To outline the differences I'm concerned with are
Missing Driver on first string
Difference in Trusted_Connection parameter (true vs. yes)
Initial Catalog vs. database parameter
Hi MA2005:
I think the following information probably can help you:
Some connection string key words may have many equivalents though they produece the same result.
|||The default driver is SQL Server -not necessary to state the driver when access a SQL Server.
[Initial Catalog] and Server mean virtually the same thing.
[Data Source] and Database mean virtually the same thing.
Trusted_Connection and [Integrated Security] mean virtually the same thing.
[True] and [Yes] in some context are symnomous.
What are the differences in using the following connection types for SQL Server access?
1) SQL Native Client ODBC Driver
2) SQL Native Client OLE DB Driver
3) SQLConnection (.NET)
Perhaps these sources will help you with your questions:
What's in an ADO Connection String?
ADO Connection Strings
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