Sunday, March 25, 2012

connectivity to the databse in SQL server 7

Can somebody tell me, how can I connect to the server(OS WIN NT server 4.0). I have created one database(microsoft SQl server 7.0) in my company server.And I tried to connect using ODBC Data source administrator to connect to it. It's failed. This error prompted.

Connection failed
SQL state'28000'
SQL server driver'18456'
[Microsoft ][ODBC SQL server driver ][SQL server] Login failed for user 'faraidba']

do I need check my login ID for the database I have created or my ODBC driver is obsolete. Please help as I'm new with it.Did you select NT authentication or Server authentication?
I suspect it was server authentication, You have either supplied an invalid username, an invalid password, or some combination of both.
If you used NT authentication, your problem is that your network id has not been setup as a valid login.

If you wish to test your login you can always use I/OSQL.EXE. If you are using NT authentication you should be able to login in using "OSQL -S <your server name> -E", and if using Server authentication try "OSQL -S <your server name> -U <your user id> -P <your password>". If either of these work then you have a problem with ODBC.

give this some thought and let me know what you find.|||Thanx.

I've followed ur suggestion. I used the correct login name and password. The network library: I chose 'name pipes' connection in ODBC to connect to the server and this message propmted;

Connection failed
SQL state:'08004'
SQL serve error:4062
Server rejected the connection;
Access to selected database has been denied

Should I use TCP/IP(network libraries) instead?|||Thanx.

I've followed ur suggestion. I used the correct login name and password. The network library: I chose 'name pipes' connection in ODBC to connect to the server and this message propmted;

Connection failed
SQL state:'08004'
SQL serve error:4062
Server rejected the connection;
Access to selected database has been denied

Should I use TCP/IP(network libraries) instead?

I try to connect using server authentication.|||Okay, I think your problem is that the usreid you are using has not been granted access to the DB you are trying to connect to.

Again if you use I/OSQL.EXE to try and connect as I outlined before you would have connected to your default database. Most of the time this is the master db. If you try usng I/OSQL again but add "-d <your db name>" and see if you don't get a similar message or connect as before and issue the T-SQL command "use <your db name> go".

The NETWORK Library you are using is just fine. The fact that you have connected to the SQL engine is evident by the error message.|||you're correct. now i'm able to do the connection.

hope to seek ur help next time.. ;)
thanks, freind


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