Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Considering blank spaces

I need to make a function for coding string in which i make difference
between strings that are identical except from final blank spaces. In SQL 20
exists an option (collate set or something else) that can make SQL
distinguish betwene two string like these:
ThanksOne method...
if(cast('as ' as varbinary) = cast('as' as varbinary))
print 'match'
print 'does not match'
-Omnibuzz (The SQL GC)
http://omnibuzz-sql.blogspot.com/|||Try this:
USE tempdb
CREATE FUNCTION MyStringCompare(@.str1 nvarchar(MAX), @.str2 nvarchar(MAX))
RETURNS nvarchar(15)
IF ((@.str1 + N'#') = (@.str2 + N'#'))
RETURN N'match'
RETURN N'don''t match'
SELECT tempdb.dbo.MyStringCompare(N'MYSTRING1', N'MYSTRING1') -- -> match
SELECT tempdb.dbo.MyStringCompare(N'MYSTRING1', N'MYSTRING1 ') -- -> don't
SELECT tempdb.dbo.MyStringCompare(null, N'MYSTRING1 ') -- -> don't match
SELECT tempdb.dbo.MyStringCompare(N'MYSTRING1', null) -- -> don't match
SELECT tempdb.dbo.MyStringCompare(null, null) -- -> don't match
"checcouno" wrote:

> I need to make a function for coding string in which i make difference
> between strings that are identical except from final blank spaces. In SQL
> exists an option (collate set or something else) that can make SQL
> distinguish betwene two string like these:
> Thanks|||How about this:
declare @.a varchar(30)
declare @.b varchar(30)
set @.a = 'MYSTRING1'
set @.b = 'MTSTRING1 '
IF (@.a = @.b AND DATALENGTH(@.a) = DATALENGTH(@.b))
PRINT 'Matched'
PRINT 'Different'
Roy Harvey
Beacon Falls, CT
On Fri, 30 Jun 2006 00:26:01 -0700, checcouno
<checcouno@.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote:

>I need to make a function for coding string in which i make difference
>between strings that are identical except from final blank spaces. In SQL 2
>exists an option (collate set or something else) that can make SQL
>distinguish betwene two string like these:
>Thanks|||>> I need to make a function for coding string in which make difference betw
een strings that are identical except from final blank spaces. <<
Be very careful about this. SQL pads shorter strings with blanks for
comparing them, so your function could destroy expected behavior and
you would wind up with your own private language. Otherwise, use the
DATALENGTH() function; it is standard and portable.

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